
Through his edifying autobiography, Nadeem Hussain, a path-breaking banker and entrepreneur shares the success stories of two of his major achievements: Tameer Microfinance Bank and Easypaisa. To readers, it serves as both, a memoir and a business case study. A visionary and venturous entrepreneur, Nadeem Hussain is out-and-out innovative. With his incisive business insights, he targets pakistan's youth - 80 % of the unbanked population, to bring about monumental changes in the world of microfinance and banking.About the Author: Nadeem Hussain, founder and coach of his latest venture Planet N, aims to catalyse the next wave of tech entrepreneurship in Pakistan. Planet N group of companies focuses on financial inclusion and facilitation of entrepreneurship in Pakistan through technology and has added 40 companies to its portfolio across e-commerce, fintech, edutech, mobile television, retail and renewable energy. However, his vision does not end there. He continues to promote the causes of financial inclusion by unbuilding conventional banking and digitising all 6 verticals to financially include the 80% of the unbanked population.Nadeem Hussain has had an illustrious banking experience of 30 years working in various senior management positions in major financial centres of the world. However, he has always had a passion for making a difference. He has been globally recognised for his dedication and service to financial inclusion in Pakistan as the founder and ex-CEO of Tameer Bank and Easypaisa that has impacted millions of Pakistanis by extending credit, insurance and mobile banking solutions to a large segment of the unbanked population.Apart from his corporate career, Nadeem Hussain believes in giving back to the community and has demonstrated this by being heavily involved in pro-bono work.

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A Bank Is Born - Nadeem Hussain