
The sweeping love story of two people who defy the conventions of their age to follow the dictates of their hearts. Trapped in a stifling marriage, Anna Karenina is swept off her feet by the dashing Count Vronsky. When the truth about their passionate liaison comes out, Anna's husband is more concerned with keeping up appearances than anything else, but at last he seeks a reluctant divorce. Rejected by society, the two lovers flee to Italy, where Anna finds herself isolated from all except the man she loves, and who loves her. But can they live by love alone? In this novel of astonishing scope and grandeur, Leo Tolstoy, the great master of Russian literature, charts the course of the human heart. Translated by Aylmer & Louise Maude, with an Afterword by Ned Halley.

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Leo Tolstoy





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Pan Macmillan UK


Anna Karenina - Leo Tolstoy

Teach French and unteach sincerity.
All happy families resemble each other, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.
The Lord had given them the day and the Lord had given them the strength. And the day and the strength had been dedicated to labor, and the labor was its reward. Who was the labor for? What would be its fruits? These were irrelevant and idle questions.
The role of the disappointed lover of a maiden or of any single woman might be ridiculous; but the role of a man who was pursuing a married woman, and who made it the purpose of his life at all cost to draw her into adultery, was one which had in it something beautiful and dignified and could never be ridiculous.
But every acquisition that is disproportionate to the labor spent on it is dishonest.
Spring is the time of plans and projects.
Respect was invented to cover the empty place where love should be.