
Ashes of the Old Emory Ellison lives a normal midwestern life. School during the day and suburbs by night. Reeling from the death of his mother, Emory is lost on a destructive path. Fading in and out of daily life and alienating everyone around him. His family is trying to help him come to terms, but the feeling of solitude is deafening. One day the status quo is shaken when the unthinkable happens: an EMP nuclear detonation is set off above the continental United States. With his father out of town, Emory's older sister Emily shows up to set them on the right path. Dark family secrets are revealed as they try to make their way to their grandfather deep in the hills of the Kentucky hollers. A grandfather that Emory has never met. One that his father wouldn't even speak of. Along the way they face unspeakable violence in a society devoid of law. In all the bad they don't know who to trust but manage to make a few friends along the way.

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Paul McVay





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Ashes Of The Old - Paul McVay