
A seminal series from a legendary creator. "Dragon Ball," a wry update on the Chinese "Monkey King" myth, introduces us to Son Go Son Goku, a young monkey-tailed boy whose quiet life is turned upside-down when he meets Bulma, a girl determined to collect the seven "Dragon Balls." If she gathers them all, an incredibly powerful dragon will appear and grant her one wish. But the precious orbs are scattered all over the world, and to get them she needs the help of a certain super-strong boy. The VIZBIG edition of "Dragon Ball "contains volumes 1-3, bonus color content and updated text. Before there was "Dragon Ball Z," there was Akira Toriyama's action epic "Dragon Ball," starring the younger version of Son Goku and all the other "Dragon Ball Z" heroes Meet a naive young monkey-tailed boy named Goku, whose quiet life changes when he meets Bulma, a girl who is on a quest to collect seven "Dragon Balls." If she gathers them all, an incredibly powerful dragon will appear and grant her one wish. But the precious orbs are scattered all over the world, and Bulma needs Goku's help (and his super-strength) With a magic staff for a weapon and a flying cloud for a ride, Goku sets out on the adventure of a lifetime... "

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Viz Media


Dragon Ball, Vol. 1 (VIZBIG Edition) - Akira Toriyama