ISBN (International Standard Book Number) is a book numbering system that was prepared by the International Standards Organization (ISO) in 1972 in order to monitor the increasing information production in our rapidly changing and developing world and to make it widely used and entered into force with the approval of the member countries.
The aim is to identify the identity of a material published by a particular publisher by standardizing the book numbers by arranging them with an international method and giving the International Standard Book Number (ISBN).
ISBN is a 13 digit numbering system. The ISBN system assigns an identification number to each published material.

ISBN books should be printed on the back of the inner and outer covers containing the bibliographic information, in a size that can be read with the printing technique. Printing the number with another technique (stamp, label, etc.) is against the ISBN system.
In non-book material (cassette, CD, etc.), the number is printed on the label and protective cover.
NOTE: Although ISBN stands for International Standard Book Number, CD, cassette, atlases etc. nor is it given, the word material is used as a general expression in the brochure.

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