
What Matters Now is Gary Hamel?s impassioned plea to rethink the fundamental assumptions we have about management, the meaning of work, and organizational life. Values: With trust in large organizations at an all time low, there is an urgent need to rebuild the ethical foundations of capitalism. What?s required is nothing less than a moral renaissance in business. Innovation: Innovation is the only defense against margin-crushing competition, and the only way to outgrow a dismal economy. In too many companies, innovation is still a buzzword, rather than the responsibility of every single individual. This must change. Adaptability: In a world of accelerating change, every company must build an evolutionary advantage. The forces of inertia must be vanquished. The ultimate prize: an organization that is as nimble as change itself. Passion: In business as in life the difference between ?insipid? and ?inspired? is passion. With mediocrity fast becoming a competitive liability, success depends on finding new ways to rouse the human spirit at work. Ideology: Today, businesses need more than better practices; they need better principles. Bureaucracy and control have had their day. It?s time for a new ideology based on freedom and self-determination. 

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Gary Hamel





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H - Gary Hamel