
The life of Julie Knight, an eighteen-year-old waitress, crumbles after she's sexually assaulted by a malevolent entity-an invisible intruder. She attempts to hide the first attack, shrugging it off as a nightmare, but then the inexplicable attacks increase in frequency and intensity. Reina Knight, Julie's single mother, attempts to help her by staying by her side and enlisting the aid of doctors, but Julie's agony refuses to end...Is Julie's suffering the result of a severe mental illness? Or has an incubus targeted her from the supernatural realm? Can Reina end her daughter's suffering before Julie is consumed by her agony?Extreme horror author Jon Athan, the writer of In the Name of the Devil and Madness at Madison Mall, brings you another shocking supernatural horror story.WARNING: This book contains some suggestive scenes and themes, some violence, and some vulgar language. It is not intended for those easily offended or appalled. Please enjoy at your own discretion.

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Jon Athan





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Her Suffering - Jon Athan