
The full-color, critically acclaimed graphic novel series that started as a webcomic! In a competition for apprentice magicians and their animal familiars, non-binary Lucy is chasing the reward...and learning the cost.The competition to become the new city Representative-a magician who serves the magistration and protects the people from monstrous husks-is fierce. Eight young apprentices and their animal familiars are vying for the role, while behind the scenes, corrupt officials work to ensure their favoured contestants make it to the next round. Lucy Marlowe wants the job more than anything. A win would show their master that they aren't a worthless waste of effort. But being Representative isn't all it's cracked up to be!Championed as Best New Webcomic of 2015 on Comics Alliance, this first graphic novel of the acclaimed full-colour webcomic by American artist Taylor Robin is bringing its rich magic and character drama to bookstores across the globe. (Collects the first five chapters of the comic originally published online, alongside print-exclusive bonus illustrations.)

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Taylor Robin





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Never Satisfied Vol. 1 - Taylor Robin