
If what you have been looking for is a way to go deeper into the material in Conversations With God, you will make the choice to not only read this book but also to answer the inquiries, do the exercises, undertake the assignments and conduct the experiments which fill its pages. In this way, you will join with Neale, who is seeking to make the concepts in Conversations With God come alive as part of your own life story. Yet you will do more than that. For if you choose to truly participate in transforming your own life, one by one you will shift the paradigm of the planet in the most profound way: through the thoughts, words, and deeds of each individual who walks upon and loves the Earth. With this extraordinary book, Neale Donald Walsch issues you a formal invitation “...to bring into existence a world in which more and more people have the opportunity to experience God’s presence and to understand the virtually unlimited opportunities of life on this planet.”

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o - Neale Donald Walsch