Killer twists. Heroes to believe in. Trust Baldacci.The 6:20 Man is a heart-racing thriller set in the world of high finance in New York, from the number one bestselling author David Baldacci.Former soldier turned financial analyst, Travis Devine, is pulled into the corruption and menacethat lurk beneath the opulent world of finance when he learns of the death of his formergirlfriend.The threatOn his daily commute on the 6:20am train to Manhattan thirty-two year old Travis sees thelavish houses of the wealthy, dreaming to join their ranks. Then one morning his dull routine isshattered by an anonymous email. His friend is dead, prompting the NYPD to come calling. Beforethe day is out another ominous visit threatens to dredge up grim secrets from his past in the armyunless he participates in a clandestine investigation into his firm.The stakesIn a world where power, greed, jealousy and ambition result in the financial abuse of the masses andthe enrichment of the elite few, Travis unearths strange coincidences and unnerving truths. And asthe deaths pile up, and the major players show their hand, he must question those he can trust andthose he must fight.The pay backThere’s a killer with their own agenda, and Devine is the target.