
The Keeper is a magical being, filled with light. She was made back before the moon, and set over all time into the bodies of mortals, to watch and keep the balance of creation. While the Keeper's story is never-ending, these stories tell of her time with two young girls. Cora and Jenny start as best friends and then grow to become something more. Cora, born with the Keeper already inside, feels the Keeper is something like the best big sister ever, even when she shines forth with her odd, yellow eyes. When Cora finds herself unable to protect the one she loves, she must give up the best thing, to make the best gift she could possible give. Jenny, a tough-looking survivor, struggles with suddenly finding the voice of love and compassion deep inside her, where she had always thought herself to be hard and safe and alone. But Darkness is loose in the world. The boundaries have been broken and Light needs all the courage and magic that Cora, Jenny, and the Keeper have.This book has two sections: Book One: Cora and The Keeper; Book Two: Jenny and The KeeperWe know you'll love it!

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The Keeper - Gary D Hillard