
SynopsisFrom heady success to the dregs of despair and further - this is the story of a successfulsurgeon's tumble from the pinnacle of glory into the abyss of misery. It chronicles thetortuous journey of Dr. Sen who plummeted from the peak of his career and social life to a non-entity in the company of a band of roving gypsies.The tale traces his travels through brightness and gloom, passing through phases ofhappiness with a beautiful wife and a close-knit family with three lovely daughters, theanguish of being deserted by his wife, the pain of separation from his daughters, theignominy of becoming a professional pariah due to his drinking habit and his own inability to overcome his weakness.It is also a story of one man's search for true love, for peace and the happiness that eluded him when he was affluent and his struggle to find it as a poor man who had nothing except the burden of his past. Tantalizingly close to finding a meaning to his life at one moment and once again losing everything in the next, Dr. Sen's roller coaster ride through life is a page-turner, full of twists and turns, never a certainty of what will happen next. Told in simple, direct and endearing style.It is bound to grip the reader and transport him into different worlds - the white-coated, masked world of the medical profession and the down-to-earth directness of poverty and insignificance - both real, both part of the world around us. There is drama too, from tender moments of love to the gruesome torture of kidnapping and the suspense of how it will all end - or even if it will end at all or just continue as one endless quest to find one's destiny and purpose in life.

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