
This story deals with a woman who loses everything for her family and children. Her struggle, sacrifice for holding her family together and the attempts to overcome the evil-circumstances and tendencies are depicted along with the other sub-themes and sub-characters. It gives glimpses of destructions caused by the social viruses like alcoholism, superstitions, corruption, unemployment and lechery. Albeit the story touches serious social issues, it is full of action, humour, suspense and horror. Today the gigantic disaster, Corona is spreading across the globe by leaps and bounds and it, with all its strength, is trying to sallow the mankind on the earth. It has traumatized and terrorized the whole world. Hence, we all are at home out of the terror of getting infected by this endemic virus. However, though this disaster is serious and enormous, it is temporary. Soon we all will get rid of the clench of this infection. In true sense, there are stronger and more hazardous viruses than Corona; in compare to those viruses, corona is minor like a nib - dot. Some of the viruses had born with the birth of Hominid, the man in the prime stage and with the evolution of man they too kept on evolving and begetting other forms of viruses. Thus, they kept on spreading and infecting men and women so immensely that to stop and destroy the endemic of those microbes the God himself had to incarnate on the earth. However, the viruses were in their multiplication stage; they had become so powerful that even to God it was impossible to stop their spread in single birth. Therefore, he had to reincarnate time and again: once as Krishna to destroy the bugs like greed, injustice and treachery; thence as Rama to assassinate temptation, jealousy, excessive pride or ego, especially lower and mean approach to woman. Similarly, when violence or brutality strangled mankind to deep sorrow, he had to take avatar of Bhagavan Buddha and Verdhaman Mahvir with the anti-dose so called 'peace' and 'love' to relive the mankind from violence. Despite the God's endeavours, the viruses kept on spreading and corrupting man and the repercussions of those infections can be viewed in History books. For ages and ages, we have been struggling hard to eradicate these viruses, but unfortunately we haven't yet succeeded to destroy these viruses. In the present time, the bugs such as corruption, terrorism, selfishness, greed, hatred and lustfulness have hollowed many of the human-minds. The bug called addiction, especially of alcohol has destroyed a great deal of individuals and their families. Alcohol infected individuals and communities are far away from education and so from progress. They yet live extremely mean life. This addiction virus makes people commit crimes; so it is spur to crimes. The bug, immodest lustfulness, is causing sexual harassment of women. It is begetting heinous crimes like sexual assaults. Thus, even in the time of lockdown and after the lockdown, there is a need to launch a campaign both individually as well as collectively, perhaps more powerfully, against the age old viruses which have occupied our minds, approaches, habits and thoughts. Remember they are deadlier than Corona. So staying at home, along with hands keep washing your soft impurities and sanitizing your thoughts. Have a Happy Reading

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