
One Thousand Four hundred and Fifty-six years lie between the years 2022 AD and the year 566 AD All of the advancements, inventions to make life easier and more successful, are all things Susanna Wilson, M.D. must learn to function without when she is taken back through the portals of time. She is taken in by Clan MacUurad's healer who knows this to be the latest Gift of the goddess Brigid. The Gifts have always been from the future and have rendered an unforeseen but much needed service to the Clan at a time of great need. Talorc's, current Chief of the Clan, Grandmother Joyce was the last Gift. She had been in the military about the same era Susanna came from and revised the way the security was carried out. Why did the goddess think they now needed a healer? DEEP IN THE CAIRNGOMS tells of the unfolding of life in Clan MacUurad during the time in history the Irish monk, Columba, and twelve monks followed him to Iona, brought Christianity to the Picts and founded the Church of Scotland.

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