
Christopher Marlowe was killed by being stabbed through the eye and then buried in an unmarked grave in Deptford, England--so the history books tell us. The account of Marlowe's death reads like a coverup. Only this coverup was not sinister or used for political gain. It was necessary to protect the queen and London's favorite playwright from experiencing death by the infamous talents of Richard Topcliffe, Her Majesty's rackmaster. There were those who wanted to see Marlowe killed for his heretical comments, so he could not just leave for the continent without having someone following him there. The only way to save him was to fake his death. For his marvelous plays to continue to be produced, a frontman was needed--A frontman who would go on to undeservedly gain eternal admiration and fame. This is the story of what could have happened to Christopher Marlowe after his supposed death on the thirtieth of May, 1593. Trace Marlowe's fascinating life as he follows the Duke of Mantua on his first crusade, becomes the personal bodyguard of Pope Clement VIII, and eventually wins the love of Portia--the only woman to ever capture his heart. His life meets with one obstacle after another while he endeavors to make time to write his plays for London audiences. His faith is both stirred and extinguished as he experiences the hypocrisy he sees taking place in the church. One Man Plays Many Parts is one man's struggle to find meaning and purpose in a life that often seems tp be stacked against him.

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