
The manga series that inspired the card game that swept the globe! Tenth-grader Yugi always had his head in some game-until he solved the Millennium Puzzle, an Egyptian artifact containing the spirit of a master gambler from the age of the pharoahs! Possessed by the puzzle, Yugi becomes Yu-Gi-Oh, the King of Games, and challenges evildoers to the Shadow Games...weird games with high stakes and high risks! The new Black Crown Game Store is pedaling a hot new game and creating trouble for Grandpa Mutou’s family business. First a sinister clown-masked figure steals Yugi’s Millennium Puzzle, and then Ryuji Otogi, the teenage heir to the store, challenges Yugi to a collectible dice game of dragons and monsters. But without the Millennium Puzzle, Yugi can’t call on Yu-Gi-Oh! Trapped inside the Black Crown Game Store, Yugi must win a game of Dungeon Dice Monsters or lose the Millennium Puzzle forever.

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Viz Media


Yu-Gi-Oh! (3-in-1 Edition) 06 - Kazuki Takahashi